Define scope for Roles

Loopback allows you to define various User Roles based on the requirements. It enables you to define both static and dynamic roles. Static roles are stored in a data source and are mapped to users. In contrast, dynamic roles aren’t assigned to users and are determined during access.

Multi-Tenant Roles

  1. An orgAdmin like role is required for access over REST to allow for administrative actions needed for any particular organization:

    1. API's to manage/invite other users,

    2. profile and payments configurations, and

    3. deciding hierarchal powers.

    4. Hopefully, it makes sense naturally that such actions should only be allowed for an organization's administrators.

  2. An orgUser role is required for accessing other basic APIs which help an organization execute properly.

Built-In Roles

LoopBack enables you to define dynamic roles that are defined at run-time.

LoopBack provides the following built-in dynamic roles:

  • $owner - Owner of the object

  • $authenticated - authenticated user

  • $unauthenticated - Unauthenticated user

  • $everyone - Everyone

Define a Custom Role

You can create custom roles through boot scripts.

Here's an example of creating a custom role:

var Role = app.models.Role;
var RoleMapping = app.models.RoleMapping;

.then(function () {
    return Role.findOrCreate(
        {where: {name: 'orgAdmin'}}, // find
            name: 'orgAdmin',
            description: 'admin of the org'
        } // or, create
.then(function () {
    log.trace('Role created successfully');
    return cb();
.catch(function (error) {
    log.error('Error in creating roles', error);
    return cb(error);

Last updated