Build a better mousetrap

  • $ cd ~/workspace/loopback-zero-to-hero/

  • If we inspect server/datasources.json out-of-the-box (OOTB), we should see that a memory database is in use as a mock placeholder of sorts. This is done so we may develop our application logic without worrying about the backend too early.

      cat ~/workspace/loopback-zero-to-hero/server/datasources.json
        "db": {
          "name": "db",
          "connector": "memory"
  • Let's build a better mousetrap! Errrrr... database, Let's build a better database.


Database Connectors

Read official docs on Database Connectors |||

  1. Using a file to back the memory DB has significant advantages.

  2. We can look at what's going on behind the scenes by simply peeking into a json file

  3. We don't lose all our data on every restart.

  4. So let's edit server/datasources.json by adding a line "file": "db.json" to it:

       "db": {
       "name": "db",
       "connector": "memory",
       "file": "db.json"
  5. Fire up the server: node .

  6. Project > Box Info

  7. Open a browser window: http://<box-name>

  8. The Users api will be ready to explore OOTB.

  9. Use /POST Users from the explorer UI to create a user:

       "username": "test",
       "password": "test",
       "email": ""

    Use that as the json body and then click the Try it out! button.

Last updated