Test drive your remote machine

Test drive your remote machine

  1. Let's do a small exercise to show off the power of this setup.

  2. Clone a sample github project and launch it:

    mkdir -p ~/dev && cd ~/dev && \
    git clone https://github.com/ShoppinPal/loopback-mongo-sandbox.git && \
    cd ~/dev/loopback-mongo-sandbox && \
    docker-compose run builder npm install && \
    docker-compose up
  3. What did we just do?

    1. Cloned a project.

    2. Installed dependencies.

    3. Finally the docker-compose up command:

      1. launched the app by mounting the local source code and dependencies into a docker container,

      2. and launched MongoDB as its database.

  4. Troubleshooting

    1. If you run into this problem:

       Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localunixsocket - is it running?
      1. try adding your user to the docker group, reference:

        • sudo usermod -aG docker <username>

      2. if that doesn't do it, then login/logout of the ssh session

      3. ultimately restart your machine and that should definitely do it.

  5. Let's browse to http://<machine-ip>:3000/explorer to see a fully working REST~ful API!

    1. If you had setup a DNS record previously then you can also try: http://<myName-cloud-box-1.domain.com>:3000/explorer to see a fully working REST~ful API!

    2. If all the containers are up and you are still not able to access the application from browser, then make sure you have enabled inbound/outbound security rules on your remote host.

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