Create a machine on Azure

  1. Create a virtual machine in azure with Ubuntu 16.04

    1. Name: yourName

    2. Disk type: ssd

    3. Username: ubuntu

    4. Copy paste the result of `cat ~/.ssh/` into ssh key textarea

    5. Leave the other defaults alone

    6. Resource group > use existing > your_resource_group

    7. Location > Southeast Asia

      1. Other locations will not have some key presets configured so selecting something else will mean extra configuration that’s not documented here at the moment.

  2. Size

    1. Choose: Standard DS1_v2 (1 vcpus, 3.5 GB memory)(search if not visible)

    2. There are other options but they might be overkill

      1. Standard F4s (4 vcpus, 8 GB memory)

      2. Standard DS2_v2 (2 vcpus, 7 GB memory)

  3. Disk Size > 128

    1. Select public inbound ports: HTTP, HTTPS, SSH

  4. Map the new IP to FQDN via cloudflare (use dns-only setting).

Last updated